Source code for example1

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

*Basic Front Matter Editing Example*

.. module:: example1

.. program:: example1

:Synopsis: Example program that performs the following actions:

    #. Reads a Jinja2 template

        .. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/data/template1.j2
            :language: jinja

    #. Reads a mardown file that contains yaml front matter via :func:`editfrontmatter.EditFrontMatter.readFile`

        .. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/data/

    #. Extracts the front matter from the source file

    #. Prorammitically edits the front matter via \

    #. Concatinates the edited front matter with the original file content via \

    #. Prints the edited file to `stdout`


    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/requirements.txt
        :language: text

:Platform: Unix, Windows, |python_version|

:License: :download:`MIT <../../../../LICENSE>`

.. :moduleauthor: `Karl N. Redman <>`_

:Author: `Karl N. Redman <>`_

:homepage: `EditFrontMatter Example 1 <>`_

:Current Release:
    version: |release|

.. versionadded:: 0.0.1
    Initial Version

from editfrontmatter import EditFrontMatter
import os

[docs]def canPublish_func(val): """ :Description: Example callback function used to populate a jinja2 variable. Note that this function must be reentrant for threaded applications. Args: val (object): generic object for the example Returns: example content (True) """ # do some processing.... return True
[docs]def main(): """ :Description: Basic example function for processing yaml with a jinja template and a markdown file with yaml content. :envvar: TEST_DATA_DIR Variable used to specify the path to the data files. Attributes: DATA_PATH (str): generic path if running from the local `example1` directory file_path (str): path of data (markdown) file to be read template_str (str): string containing the contents of a Jinja2 template proc (EditFrontMatter): the EditFrontmatter object Returns: program exit status (0 or 1) Example: To run from a non program directory use the environment variable:: TEST_DATA_DIR="./data/" example1/ """ # generic path - overridden by env var `TEST_DATA_DIR` DATA_PATH = "../data/" if "TEST_DATA_DIR" in os.environ: DATA_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.environ.get("TEST_DATA_DIR")) + "/" # set path to input file file_path = os.path.abspath(DATA_PATH + "") # initialize `template_str` with template file content template_str = ''.join(open(os.path.abspath(DATA_PATH + "template1.j2"), "r").readlines()) # instantiate the processor proc = EditFrontMatter(file_path=file_path, template_str=template_str) # set fields to delete from yaml proc.keys_toDelete = ['deleteme'] # add a filter and callback function proc.add_JinjaFilter('canPublish', canPublish_func) # populate variables and run processor{'toc': 'no effect', 'hasMath': "false", 'addedVariable': ['one', 'two', 'three']}) # dump file print(proc.dumpFileData())
if __name__ == '__main__': main()