Source code for example2

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

*Advanced, Multi-Pass, Front Matter Editing Example*

.. module:: example2

:Program: example2

:Synopsis: Example program that performs the following actions:

    #. Derives a class from `EditFrontMatter`

    #. Performs execution in a try block

        #. raises an exception form the derived class for example purposes
        #. catches the exception and prints a messae

    #. Sets up a signal handler for `SIGHUP` and `SIGINT` for testing/example

    #. Set up a `try` block for catching exceptions: Can be tested by providing \
        a nonexistant file name for input

    #. Uses a Jinja2 template

        .. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/data/template1.j2
            :language: jinja

    #. Reads a mardown file that contains yaml front matter via \

        .. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/data/
            :language: md

    #. Extracts the front matter from the source file

    #. Prorammitically edits the front matter via \

    #. Concatinates the edited front matter with the original file content via \

    #. Prints the edited file to `stdout`

    #. Resets the Jinja2 template for secondary processing

    #. Resets the input file for processing against a new template

        .. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/data/template2.j2
            :language: jinja

    #. Reprocesses the previous output as input while concatinating the new input file

        .. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/data/
            :language: md

    #. Prints the edited output to `stdout`

:Platform: Unix, Windows, |python_version|


    .. literalinclude:: ../../../../examples/requirements.txt
        :language: text

:License: :download:`MIT <../../../../LICENSE>`

.. :moduleauthor: `Karl N. Redman <>`_

:Author: `Karl N. Redman <>`_

:homepage: `EditFrontMatter Example 2 <>`_

:Current Release:
    version: |release|

.. versionadded:: 0.0.1
    Initial Version

import os
import signal
from editfrontmatter import EditFrontMatter
from editfrontmatter import EditFrontMatter_Exception

# setup signal handler for kicks and giggles
[docs]class Signal_Caught(Exception): pass
[docs]def SignalHandler(sig, frame): """Generic Signal handler""" message = ("Received signal {} on line {} in {}" .format(str(sig), str(frame.f_lineno), frame.f_code.co_filename)) raise Signal_Caught(message)
# catch signals signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, SignalHandler) signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, SignalHandler) # Derive class
[docs]class Derived_EditFrontMatter (EditFrontMatter): """EditFrontMatter derived class for example purposes"""
[docs] def __init__(self, Superfluous, **kwargs): """A specialized signature for the derived class""" EditFrontMatter.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.Superfluous = Superfluous
[docs] def canPublish_method(self, var) -> bool: """Class level callback method Note: It's important that class level callbacks are codded to be reentrant. If the class is used in a threaded app class level veriables would not be thread-safe. Also, use critical sections if working with threads. Returns: a mock value """ return "none" pass
[docs] def run(self, template_str, file_path, **kwargs) -> None: """A override method for the baseclass `run` method This is just a contrived example meant to demonstrate some advanced usage of the base class. """ # update member vars self.template_str = template_str self.file_path = file_path # save file data and yaml object (fmatter) yaml_end point orig_file_lines = self.file_lines orig_yaml_obj = self.fmatter orig_yaml_end = self.yaml_end # read new (no front matter) file self.readFile(file_path) # replace filter with class method self.del_JinjaFilter('canPublish') self.add_JinjaFilter('canPublish', self.canPublish_method) # concatinate orig_file with new file orig_file_lines.append("\n") self.file_lines = orig_file_lines + self.file_lines # replace new yaml obj with original self.fmatter = orig_yaml_obj self.keys_toDelete = ['stuff'] # procesess the data super().run(extraVars_dict={'weight': 10}) # restore yaml_end so we can dump the file with the original end point # (.i.e so we can dump the new yaml with the old file content starting # point). self.yaml_end = orig_yaml_end
[docs] def parent_run(self, extra_vars): """cheezy method to call a parent method""" super().run(extra_vars)
# callback function for jinja filter
[docs]def canPublish_func(var) -> bool: """Callback function for Jinja2 filters""" # processing return True
[docs]def main(): """Main function Attributes: DATA_PATH (str): Path that points to the data file directory. Must end with a `/` file_path1 (str): Path to input source 1 file_path2 (str): Path to input source 2 template_str1 (str): Contents of template1 template_str2 (str): Contents of template2 :envvar: TEST_DATA_DIR Variable used to specify the path to the data files. Returns: program exit status (0 or 1) Example: To run from a non program directory use the environment variable:: TEST_DATA_DIR="./data/" example2/ """ # generic path - overridden by env var `TEST_DATA_DIR` DATA_PATH = "../data/" if "TEST_DATA_DIR" in os.environ: DATA_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.environ.get("TEST_DATA_DIR")) + "/" # set path to input file file_path1 = os.path.abspath(DATA_PATH + "") file_path2 = os.path.abspath(DATA_PATH + "") # no front matter # initialize `template_str` with template file content template_str1 = ''.join(open(os.path.abspath(DATA_PATH + "template1.j2"), "r").readlines()) template_str2 = ''.join(open(os.path.abspath(DATA_PATH + "template2.j2"), "r").readlines()) # create object proc = Derived_EditFrontMatter(None, template_str=template_str1, do_readFile=False) # add jinja filter for callback proc.add_JinjaFilter('canPublish', canPublish_func) try: # normal processing proc.readFile(file_path=file_path1) proc.parent_run({'toc': 'no effect', 'hasMath': "false", 'addedVariable': ['one', 'two', 'three']}) print(proc.dumpFileData()) print("##################### PASS SEPERATION #######################") # new swap the template, file_path2) print(proc.dumpFileData()) except Signal_Caught as e: print(str(e)) os.exit(1) except EditFrontMatter_Exception as e: print(str(e)) os.exit(1) else: print("No Exceptions.") finally: print("done.") print("end program")
if __name__ == '__main__': main()