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Navigate your vscode like it's 1999 (the vim way)

If you are a vim person it can be frustraiting to work in vscode without vim keystrokes. The fantastic plugin vscodevim only goes so far. If you, like me, are used to M-h,M-j,M-k,M-l (where M == ‘Alt key’) and vim-like tab movements things get freaking nuts. Note that these keys in default vim are the same as pressing escape [I HATE ever having to hit the esc key -ever].

Compile and install vim 8.1 from source (debian / MX Linux) with pyenv

The purpose of this article is to aid those who want to run cutting edge vim things. Vim 8.1 provides :terminal. This is BIG NEWS and has opened some pretty cool plugins such as markdown preview plugin for (neo)vim. Additionally, if you want deoplete.nvim to work properly you’ll need to compile vim against python3 anyway. The most single/main user way I’ve found to make these plugins work is to compile Vim from source.